My Health Story (MHS) is a public health surveillance survey administered to residents in the Finger Lakes region of New York State. The primary focus of the My Health Story effort is to gather information on social drivers of health and health outcomes that is more nuanced and detailed than what is typically included in publicly available secondary data sources. My Health Story is a recurring survey first administered during the summer of 2018. My Health Story 2022 is the second version. With each iteration, the My Health Story research team shapes the survey guided by the expertise and lived experiences of Common Ground Health’s extensive community-embedded network. This includes gathering input and feedback from a variety of stakeholders in the design, administration, interpretation, and dissemination of the survey data. Each iteration also includes updated or new context-specific topics relevant to the current public health landscape.
New to the survey in 2022, we added questions on perceived discrimination in health care settings, housing mobility and quality, children’s health and well-being, and language access needs. Additionally, the MHS 2022 survey team prioritized improving accessibility and inclusion of the perspectives of community members living outside of Monroe County, of those with Indigenous backgrounds, and of individuals for whom English is not their primary language. We also refreshed digital accessibility tools embedded in the data collection process. The 2022 survey included a text-to-speech reader in English and Spanish, buttons to increase font size, and survey links in three different languages: English, Spanish, and American Sign Language.
Below you will find frequently asked questions about our survey. For more detailed information, please see our white paper.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here is a heat map showing the number of people who took the survey by ZIP Code in the 8-county Finger Lakes region outside of Monroe:

We entered the MHS 2022 survey into REDCap, the online survey administration tool used to collect responses. Multiple internal and external stakeholders tested the online survey and additional edits were made to improve upon inclusion and accessibility of the survey-taking experience. Skip logic was also tested numerous times as MHS 2022 research staff took the survey as though they were representing individuals with varying lifestyles and answer patterns. After internal testing, additional community members tested skip logic and provided feedback on survey questions and answer choices. Finally, four live, virtual feedback sessions were held with groups of people who took the survey online, most of whom did not see a prior version of the My Health Story survey.
For qualitative data with a large number of responses, we sometimes use other quantitative survey questions to help place codes into the appropriate themes and sub-themes. For example, a quantitative question on the survey asked respondents whether or not they had diagnoses of various chronic conditions, one of which was obesity or overweight. For people who stated in their write-in answer that they had concerns about weight, we were able to code those into people who listed the concern and had checked that they had a chronic condition issue related to weight separately from those who checked that they were concerned about their weight but did not check that they have a chronic condition. Those who did not have a chronic condition checked were listed as having a lifestyle concern related to weight management.
The overall code dictionary created for the “What is the biggest concern for your health?” question was checked for consistency and to ensure that drift had been corrected. Additionally, the theme of Chronic Conditions in the code dictionary was reviewed by a medical expert to determine accurate and appropriate placement of codes within that theme. If you would like to see a copy of the code tree that has definitions of each branch summarized, please click here.
A Data Use Agreement (DUA) is necessary if you are requesting access to record-level survey data. MHS survey questions and answer items are available here. Once you have reviewed the survey questions and have a general idea of the data you would like to request, please reach out to sarah.farash@commongroundhealth.org. Please include in your email a list of the questions you would like to see the data for and how you plan to use the data. After reviewing your email, a meeting will be set up with you to talk through the request process in more detail.
Alternatively, if you would like to know the percentage of people who responded with a specific answer to a question, but don’t need the individual survey response data, please indicate that in your email.
In general, it takes approximately four to eight weeks to process MHS 2022 data requests. The timeframe to process the request begins after the meeting occurs where your request is clarified and the scope of work to process the request established.