Located in Rochester, N.Y., Common Ground is the health research and planning organization for the nine Finger Lakes counties of Chemung, Livingston, Monroe, Ontario, Schuyler, Seneca, Steuben, Wayne and Yates. But our influence extends well beyond those borders. In recent years, we have provided support for clinical practices and other population health groups across the state.
Research and analysis are at the heart of community health improvement. Common Ground maintains the region’s most comprehensive collection of health and health care data and provides the expertise needed to make sense of that information. We document trends and measure progress for partners and the region as a whole. We drill down into the data to understand and bring attention to health inequities based on geography, socio-economic status, race and ethnicity.
With a team of more than 35 analysts, clinicians, policy experts, community engagement specialists and other staff, Common Ground has built the capacity needed to spearhead health initiatives. Our collaborative tables allow decision makers, subject matter experts and residents to examine challenges together and develop solutions that work for all stakeholders. Our established reputation for neutrality gives competing organizations a place where they can find common ground and ensures that broader community needs are given a voice.