Stronger Together: Combination with the Rochester RHIO
A remembrance of Edgar Santa Cruz
African-American History in Health Care – When white folks catch a cold, black folks catch pneumonia
African American Women Continue to Die at Higher Rates from Breast Cancer
African-American Women Face Higher Risk of Death from Breast Cancer
African Americans Can Do More to Reduce Tobacco-Related Illnesses
Care The Way You Want It: Cultural Humility in Health Care Providers
Do You See Me? Racism, Implicit Bias and Their Effects on Health
DSRIP 101: Strengthening the Medicaid Safety Net
Getting healthy by getting involved with your care
Health Checkup: Keep kids active, learning in summer
Health Literacy: What Is It And Why Is It Important To Me?
Is Incarceration a Catalyst for Worsening Health?
Knowing signs of opioid addiction can save a life
Leadership Needed from the African-American Faith-Based Community
Medicaid is Vital for Health Services
The opioid epidemic: how to help people with addiction
The Social Determinants of Health: Your Zip Code Matters
What Can We Do to Prevent STDs?
Where You Live Can Significantly Impact Your Health
Careers at Common Ground Health
African American Health Coalition
African American Health Coalition Roster
Central Southern Tier Health Alliance
Central Southern Tier Health Alliance Roster
Community Technology Assessment Advisory Board (CTAAB)
Empire State Trail Health Impact Assessment
Empire State Trail Health Impact Assessment Roster
Finger Lakes COVID-19 Vaccine Task Force
Finger Lakes Reopening Schools Safely Task Force
Finger Lakes Reopening Schools Safely Task Force Roster
Latino Health Coalition Roster
Partnership for Access to Healthcare (PATH)
Partnership for Access to Healthcare (PATH) Roster
African American Health Coalition
African American Health Coalition Monthly Meeting
African American Health Coalition Meeting
African American & Latino Health Joint Coalitions Meeting
African American Health Coalition Meeting
African American Health Coalition / Latino Health Coalition Meeting
African American Health Coalition / Latino Health Coalition Meeting
African American Health Coalition Meeting
African American Health Coalition Meeting
African American Health Coalition / Latino Health Coalition / PATH Meeting
Central Southern Tier Health Alliance
Community Technology Assessment Advisory Board (CTAAB)
Empire State Trail Health Impact Assessment
Board of Directors Annual Meeting
Latino Health Coalition Meeting
Latino Health Coalition Meeting
Latino Health Coalition Monthly Meeting
African American Health Coalition / Latino Health Coalition Meeting
African American Health Coalition / Latino Health Coalition / PATH Meeting
African American Health Coalition / Latino Health Coalition Meeting
Latino Health Coalition Meeting
Latino Health Coalition Meeting
Partnership for Access to Healthcare (PATH)
African American Health Coalition / Latino Health Coalition / PATH Meeting
Regional Health Care Workforce Consortium
Regional Health Care Workforce Consortium meeting
Hair and Health Symposium 2023
Hair and Health Symposium 2024
Health Care Workforce Resources
Access to Care Metrics: Latino vs White
Activity Limitations among Older Adults
Activity Limitations, Self-Reported
Adult With a Checkup in Past Year
Adults With a Regular Health Care Provider
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES): Three or More
African-American Population % of Population within ZIP Code
Alcohol-Related Disorders: Inpatient Visit Rate by Race/Ethnicity and Geography
Alcohol-Related Disorders: Inpatient Visit Rate by Race/Ethnicity
Alzheimer's Dementia among Older Adults
Anxiety/Depression/Stress: ED & Inpatient Visit Rate by Geography & Socioeconomic Status
Anxiety/Depression/Stress: ED & Inpatient Visit Rate by Race/Ethnicity & Socioeconomic Status
Anxiety/Depression/Stress: ED & Inpatient Visit Rate by Race/Ethnicity
Anxiety/Depression/Stress: Inpatient Visit Rate by Race/Ethnicity
Assault-Driven Emergency Department Visit Rate by Race/Ethnicity, Geography and Socioeconomic Status
Assault-Driven Emergency Department Visit Rate by Race/Ethnicity
Assault-Related Emergency Department Visit Rate
Asthma-Driven ED Visit Rate by Race/Ethnicity and Geography
Asthma-Driven ED Visit Rate by Race/Ethnicity and Socioeconomic Status
Asthma-Driven Emergency Department Visit Rates
Asthma Emergency Department Visit Rate vs Healthy Home Index by Tract
Asthma Prevalence (% of Adults)
Behavioral Health-Related ED & Inpatient Visit Rate by Socioeconomic Status & Geography
Behavioral Health-Related ED & Inpatient Visit Rate by Socioeconomic Status & Race/Ethnicity
Behavioral Health-Related ED Visit Rate, Diagnosis & Gender
Behavioral Health-Related ED Visit Rate, Diagnosis & Race/Ethnicity
Behavioral Health-Related ED Visit Rates for Children, Diagnosis & Gender
Behavioral Health-Related ED Visit Rates for Children, Diagnosis & Race/Ethnicity
Behavioral Health-Related Inpatient Visit Rate by Geography
Behavioral Health-Related Inpatient Visit Rate by Race/Ethnicity
Behavioral Health-Related Inpatient Visit Rate, Diagnosis & Gender
Behavioral Health-Related Inpatient Visit Rate, Diagnosis & Race/Ethnicity
Behavioral Health-Related Inpatient Visit Rates for Children, Diagnosis & Gender
Behavioral Health-Related Inpatient Visit Rates for Children, Diagnosis & Race/Ethnicity
Blood Pressure Medication Rates
Breast Cancer Incidence and Years of Potential Life Lost Rates by Race/Ethnicity, Female
Breast Cancer Screening Rates, Females
Breast Cancer: Years of Potential Life Lost Rate by Race/Ethnicity & Socioeconomic Status, Female
Breast Cancer: Years of Potential Life Lost Rates by Race/Ethnicity, Female
Breast Cancer: Years of Potential Life Lost Rates by Socioeconomic Status, Female
Cancer: Years of Potential Life Lost Rate by Race/Ethnicity
Cause of Disparity in Rate of Years of Potential Life Lost African-American vs White (not Latino)
Cause of Disparity in Rate of Years of Potential Life Lost SES 1 vs SES 5
Cervical Cancer Incidence and Years of Potential Life Lost Rates by Race/Ethnicity, Female
Cervical Cancer Screening Rates
Change in Black (non-Hispanic) Population by Geography
Change in Hispanic Population by Geography
Change in Top Causes of Premature Mortality for Latino Population
Change in White (non-Hispanic) Population by Geography
Childhood Obesity by Geography
Childhood Obesity by Socioeconomic Status
Childhood Obesity Rate (BMI ≥ 30)
Chronic Disease Prevalence and Preventable Inpatient Visit (PQI) Rates: Latino vs White
Colorectal Cancer Incidence and Years of Potential Life Lost: Latino vs White
Colorectal Cancer Incidence and Years of Potential Life Lost Rates by Race/Ethnicity
Colorectal Cancer Screening Rates
Commonly Prescribed Opioid Overdose Inpatient & ED Visits by Race/Ethnicity & Age
COPD, Emphysema and Chronic Bronchitis among Older Adults
COPD, Emphysema and Chronic Bronchitis Rates
Daily Sugar Drink Consumption Rates
Daily Vegetable Consumption Rates
Dental Office Visit within Last 12 Months, Adults
Depressive Disorder and Poor Mental Health among Older Adults
Diabetes Prevalence and Preventable Inpatient Visit (PQI) Rates
Diabetes Preventable (PQI) Inpatient Visit Rate by Socioeconomic Status & Geography
Diabetes Preventable (PQI) Inpatient Visit Rate by Socioeconomic Status & Race/Ethnicity
Diabetes Preventable (PQI) Inpatient Visit Rates by Race/Ethnicity
Difficulties among Older Adults by Age Group
Drug Overdose: Years of Potential Life Lost
ED Visit Rates for Behavioral Health Conditions: Latino vs White
Engaged in Binge Drinking One or More Times During the Past 30 Days
Engaged in Physical Fight in Past Year
Errand Limitations among Older Adults
Errand Limitations, Self-Reported
Ever Engaged in Sexual Intercourse, Males
Excellent, Very Good or Good Health Rate, Self-Reported
Family and Other Adult Support
First Trimester Prenatal Care by Race/Ethnicity
Food Insecurity by Insurance Type
Food Insecurity by Socioeconomic Status & Geography
Food Insecurity by Socioeconomic Status
Food Insecurity Rate by Census Tract
Food Insecurity Rate by Location
Geographic Populations by Race/Ethnicity
Geography Classification by ZIP Code
Had Sexual Intercourse with Four or More Partners in Lifetime, Males
Health Indicators by Financial Stress
Health Indicators by Housing Status
Health Inequity Causes Premature Death
Health Insurance Coverage by Income and Race/Ethnicity
Health Insurance Coverage Rates
Health Professional Shortage Areas: Dental Health
Health Professional Shortage Areas: Mental Health
Health Professional Shortage Areas: Primary Care
Healthy Home Index (Rental Property Average)
Heart Disease among Older Adults
Heart Disease: Years of Potential Life Lost Rate by Race/Ethnicity & Socioeconomic Status
Heart Disease: Years of Potential Life Lost Rate by Race/Ethnicity
Heart Disease: Years of Potential Life Lost Rate by Socioeconomic Status
Heroin Overdose Inpatient & ED Visits by Race/Ethnicity & Age
High Blood Pressure (% of Adults)
High School Students With a Check-up in the Past Year
Households without Vehicle by ZIP Code
Housing Cost-Burdened Older Adults
High School Graduation Rates Trended by Race/Ethnicity
High School Graduation Rates by Race/Ethnicity and District Needs
High School Graduation Rates by Race/Ethnicity in Monroe County
High School Graduation Rates by Race/Ethnicity
Student Proficiency Rates: 3rd Grade English Language Arts (ELA) and Math by Economic Status
Immunization Rate for Children by Age 3
Income and Concerns About One's Own Health
Individuals Receiving Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) for Opioid Addiction
Infant Mortality Rate by Race/Ethnicity
Infant Mortality Rates due to Prematurity vs Other Causes
Kidney Disease among Older Adults
Latino Population % of Population within ZIP Code
Latino Population: Percent of Population within Census Tract
Latino Representation in the Health Care Industry
Latino Workforce Representation Across Essential Industries
Leading Causes of Death among Latino Population
Less than One Hour of Activity in Last Seven Days
Life Expectancy and Socioeconomic Status (SES) in the Finger Lakes Region
Life Expectancy by Race/Ethnicity and SES in the Finger Lakes Region (2021)
Life Expectancy by Zip Code in Monroe County
Life Expectancy by Zip Code in the Finger Lakes Region
Life Expectancy Trend by Geographic Classification in the Finger Lakes Region
Life Expectancy Trend by Race/Ethnicity in Monroe County
Life Expectancy Trend by Race/Ethnicity in the Finger Lakes Region
Life Expectancy Trend by Sex in Monroe County
Life Expectancy Trend by Sex in the Finger Lakes Region
Life Expectancy Trend by Socioeconomic Status (SES) in Monroe County
Life Expectancy Trend by Socioeconomic Status (SES) in the Finger Lakes Region
Life Expectancy Trend for Monroe County & Finger Lakes Region
Life Expectancy Trend for the Finger Lakes Region
Lung Cancer Incidence and Years of Potential Life Lost Rates by Race/Ethnicity
Lung Cancer: Years of Potential Life Lost Rate by Race/Ethnicity & Socioeconomic Status
Lung Cancer: Years of Potential Life Lost Rate by Race/Ethnicity
Lung Cancer: Years of Potential Life Lost Rate by Socioeconomic Status
Made a Plan to Attempt Suicide in the Past Year
Mammogram in Last Two Years (% of Women Ages 50 - 74)
Mental Health Indicators, by Race and Latino Origin
Mental Health Not Good for 14+ Days in Month, Adults
Older Adult Population by Race and Ethnicity
Opioid Mortality Rate: Latino vs White
Opioid Overdose ED & Inpatient Visit Rate by Geography
Opioid Overdose ED & Inpatient Visit Rate by Race/Ethnicity
Opioid Overdose Inpatient & ED Visit Rate by Race/Ethnicity & Age
Opioid Overdose Inpatient & ED Visit Rate by Type and Geography
Opioid Overdose Inpatient & ED Visit Rate by Type and Race/Ethnicity
Opioid Overdose Rates by Race/Ethnicity and Geography
Opioid Overdose Rates by Race/Ethnicity and Socioeconomic Status
Opioid Overdoses, Age at Death
Percent of Asthma Patients with Allergist/Immunologist Visit
Percent of Asthma Patients with Control Inhaler Claim
Percent of Asthma Patients with ED Visit (Asthma-Driven)
Percent of Asthma Patients with Oral Corticosteroid Claim
Percent of Asthma Patients with Rescue Inhaler Claim
Percentage of Adults Who Have Had Teeth Removed
Perceptions of outdoor play environments
Persistent Sadness Preventing Activity in the Past Year
Physical Activity by Geography
Physical Activity by Insurance Type
Physical Activity by Race/Ethnicity
Poor Mental/Emotional Health and Income
Poor or Fair Mental Health among Latino Adults by Income
Poor Physical Health among Older Adults
Poor Physical Health Rate, Self-Reported
Population Age Distribution by Race/Ethnicity
Population Projections for 2040 by Age Group
Population Trend for Older Adults
Premature Birth Rate (<37 weeks)
Premature Birth Rates (<37 weeks) by Geography and Socioeconomic Status
Premature Birth Rates (<37 weeks) by Geography and Socioeconomic Status
Premature Birth Rates (<37 weeks) by Mother's Age
Premature Birth Rates (<37 weeks) by Mother's Race/Ethnicity
Premature Birth Rates (<37 weeks) by ZIP Code
Premature Birth Rates (<37 weeks)
Preterm Birth Rates and Socioeconomic Status
Prevalence of Cost as Barrier to Medical Care
Prevalence of Under-Managed Hypertension Among 35-64 Year Olds
Preventable Dental ED Visit Rate by Socioeconomic Status & Geography
Preventable Dental ED Visit Rate by Socioeconomic Status & Race/Ethnicity
Preventable Emergency Department Visit Rate by Geography
Preventable Emergency Department Visit Rate by Race/Ethnicity
Preventable Inpatient Visit (PQI) Rates for Older Adults by Race & Ethnicity
Preventable Inpatient Visit Rate by ZIP Code
Preventable Inpatient Visit Rate (Diabetes) by ZIP Code
Preventable (PQI) Inpatient Visit Rates by Geography
Preventable (PQI) Inpatient Visit Rates by Race/Ethnicity and Place
Preventable (PQI) Inpatient Visit Rates by Race/Ethnicity
Preventable (PQI) Inpatient Visit Rates by Socioeconomic Status, Race/Ethnicity and Geography
Preventable (PQI) Inpatient Visit Rates by Socioeconomic Status
Prostate Cancer Screening Rates
Race/Ethnicity Populations by Geography
Racial/Ethnic Populations by Socioeconomic Status
Rate of Violent Crime by Census Tract
Relationship between mental health and financial stress
School Missed Because Felt Unsafe
Socioeconomic Status by Race/Ethnicity
Socioeconomic Status (SES) by Zip Code
Stroke Prevalence among Older Adults
Student Proficiency: 3rd Grade English Language Arts (ELA) by Race/Ethnicity & Location
Student Proficiency: 3rd Grade Math by Race/Ethnicity & Location
Substance-Related Disorders (exc. Alcohol): Inpatient Visits by Race/Ethnicity
Substance Use Disorders (exc. Alcohol) and Overdose Mortality
Substance Use Disorders (exc. Alcohol): Inpatient Visit Rate by Race/Ethnicity & Geography
Teen Birth Rates by Race/Ethnicity: Ages 10 - 17
Teen Birth Rates by Race/Ethnicity: Ages 18 - 19
Teen Pregnancy Rates by Race/Ethnicity: Ages 10 - 17
Teen Pregnancy Rates by Race/Ethnicity: Ages 18 - 19
Tobacco Retailer Concentration by Socioeconomic Status and Geography
Top Causes of Years of Potential Life Lost - African-American by Socioeconomic Status
Top Causes of Years of Potential Life Lost by Geography
Top Causes of Years of Potential Life Lost by Race/Ethnicity
Top Causes of Years of Potential Life Lost by Race/Ethnicity
Top Causes of Years of Potential Life Lost by Race/Ethnicity, Female
Top Causes of Years of Potential Life Lost by Race/Ethnicity
Top Causes of Years of Potential Life Lost by Socioeconomic Status, White (not Latino)
Top Causes of Years of Potential Life Lost by Socioeconomic Status
Top Causes of Years of Potential Life Lost - Latino by Socioeconomic Status
Top Causes of Years of Potential Life Lost SES 1 by Race/Ethnicity
Top Causes of Years of Potential Life Lost to Cancer by Race/Ethnicity, Female
Top Causes of Years of Potential Life Lost to Cancer by Race/Ethnicity, Males
Top Causes of Years of Potential Life Lost - White (not Latino) by Socioeconomic Status
Unemployment Rate During COVID-19 Pandemic: Latino vs White
Unnecessary and Preventable ED Visit Rates
Unnecessary Emergency Department Visit Rate by Geography
Unnecessary Emergency Department Visit Rate by Race/Ethnicity
Used E-Cig on One or More of the Past 30 Days
Very Premature Birth Rates (<32 weeks) by Mother's Age
Very Premature Birth Rates (<32 weeks) by Mother's Race/Ethnicity
Wage Disparities by Education Level: Latino vs White
Were Offered, Sold or Given an Illegal Drug on School Property in Past Year
Years of Potential Life Lost Due to Health Inequity
Years of Potential Life Lost Rate by Geography & Socioeconomic Status
Years of Potential Life Lost Rate by Race/Ethnicity & Gender
Years of Potential Life Lost Rate - Focus Area vs Other SES 1 ZIP Codes
Years of Potential Life Lost Rates vs Cause: African-American
Years of Potential Life Lost Rates vs Cause: Latino
Years of Potential Life Lost Rates vs Cause: White (not Latino)
YPLL Disparity by Cause of Death, African-American vs White (not Latino)
YPLL Disparity by Cause of Death, Latino vs White (not Latino)
$100K ‘Healthiest Cities’ grant aims to advance health equity in Rochester
A decade of high blood pressure improvement
A statement of the Latino Health Coalition and the African American Health Coalition
Ability to Attract and Retain Staff Threatens the Health Care Delivery System
Adults are struggling with social isolation and loneliness
"Affordability is always the focus": a conversation with Sue Segelman
Aging expert calls for 'all hands on deck' to meet seniors' care needs
Albany update: health care reform creates opportunities, challenges
Albert Blankley to be honored with Forty Under 40 award
All hands on deck effort drives COVID-19 vaccine signups for Black and Latino residents
Area Residents Urged to Get Updated COVID-19 Booster Shot
Award winners have dedicated decades to promoting health equity
Back to School Reminder: Parents Urged to Make Sure Children’s Immunizations are Current
Barbershops and salons witnessing overdoses respond with naloxone
Bike share could improve public health, study finds
Bilingual campaign taps into reminders to ensure medications are not forgotten
BIPOC seniors’ contributions highlighted
Blood Pressure Collaborative and chamber healthcare initiative win innovation award
Business leaders help kick smoking off campuses
Campaign aims to make streets safer for walkers and bikers
Campaign spreads youth mental health resources across Finger Lakes region
Care management gives patient 'new life'
Care managers get training in crisis response
Chartbook documents the heavy toll of poverty on health
Chris Hilderbrant honored with Forty under 40 award
City seeking applicants for Food Policy Council
Clearing Up COVID-19 Confusion: Current Quarantine and Isolation Guidelines
Collaboration and communication help control blood pressure
College students create buzz around quitting vaping
Common Ground Health and Rochester RHIO to combine
Common Ground Health Board Resolution on Racism
Common Ground Health certified as a Great Place to Work™
Common Ground Health certified as a great workplace
Common Ground Health employees are working remotely
Common Ground Health Launches COVID-19 Vaccine Speakers Bureau
Common Ground Health launching listening tour with Indigenous populations
Common Ground Health leads efforts to understand race-based medical testing
Common Ground Health names new chief medical officer and chief program officer
Common Ground Health staff take part in national public health conference
Common Ground Health to Host Annual Health Equity Conference
Common Ground Health to release major health report
Communities gather to create safe play spaces for “Play Streets”
Community celebrates 10th anniversary of Rochester lead law
Community celebrates opening of the play trail
Community collaboration helps people transition successfully into and out of hospitals
Community members assess walkability and safety in walk audit pilot
Community members invited to repaint street mural at Parsells Avenue and Greeley Street
Community members star in health posters
Community Partnership to Pilot COVID-19 Testing Site in Rochester
Common Ground Health, CCSI unite to champion health and wellness at Community Wellness Summit
Community-wide effort improves blood pressure control
Conference explores the intersection of faith and mental, emotional and behavioral health
Conference focuses on health as a spiritual matter
Conference focuses on violence as a public health issue
Conference helps churches make health ministries more effective
Connection between hair and health highlighted at event
Community partners to address long-term care staffing through task force
COVID-19 test kits being distributed in Monroe County
COVID-19 Vaccine: A Community Conversation For Indigenous People in the Finger Lakes
COVID Community Challenge Gives RCSD Parent-Teacher Groups Chance to Win $15,000
Curbside reliably provides the produce customers want. Could local supply meet this demand?
David Anderson on the early work of the lead coalition
Digital ‘Checkup’ helps Rochester firms shape up their wellness programs
Doctor's orders? More like, patient's preferences
Donations needed for older adults in nursing homes
Dr. Mahoney is retiring; transformed primary care
Drive2Bbetter campaign seeks community help to post lawn signs
Economic development funding includes health-promoting awards
Eight reasons to stay focused on high blood pressure
Elmira study connects housing to poor health
Event to spotlight best practices to reduce readmissions and retain employees
Faith communities provide powerful path to health
Find a free blood pressure kiosk
Find practices that have participated in the CMMI award
Finger Lakes COVID-19 vaccination program granted $1 million
Finger Lakes COVID-19 Vaccine Task Force launches
Finger Lakes Health Systems Agency is certified as a great workplace
FLHSA applauds choice of Fran Weisberg to lead United Way
FLHSA coalitions say shootings are a health crisis
FLHSA is now Common Ground Health
FLHSA launches health care workforce planning effort
FLHSA praises state budget focus on regional health planning
FLHSA receives $5 million from state for regional heatlh planning, technical expertise
FLHSA to co-lead $48.5 million award
Food, Farms and Health event set for Tuesday is postponed
Food, Farms and Health Symposium has been rescheduled
Food for Thought: Creating Rochester's first Food Policy Council
Community partners begin collaboration with Rochester’s Summer Meals program
Fresh herbs at your fingertips can mean less salt in your diet
Gates Medical's high blood pressure success lies in ...
Governor Hochul appoints Wade Norwood to statewide aging committee
Grants to give region’s health collaborations a lift
Greenway can improve health and reduce disparities, impact study finds
Common Ground and coalitions affirm racism is a public health crisis
Hair and Health Symposium educates barbers, stylists and the community
Link Between Hair and Health the Focus of Symposium
Half of eligible Rochester residents have received COVID vaccine
Half of opioid overdoses in the Finger Lakes associated with a pain prescription
Health center achieves patient-centered milestone
My Health Story 2022 Brings Focus to Health Equity
Health survey data is available to community
Healthi Kids brings international play event to City of Rochester on February 7
Healthi Kids celebrates two years of championing play
Healthi Kids expands focus to the whole child
Healthi Kids hosts training for food service staff
Healthi Kids’ new agenda, brand and website embrace whole child health
Healthi Kids project named a winner in KaBOOM! Play Everywhere Challenge
Heroin overdoses climb as pain killer overdoses drop in the Finger Lakes region
High Blood Pressure Collaborative chair receives award
High Blood Pressure Collaborative receives more national recognition
High Blood Pressure Collaborative slideshow, 2015
High blood pressure control improves more than 13 percent
Homelessness is a significant issue in both rural and urban areas of the Finger Lakes region
How clinical data and coaching are driving improvement in high blood pressure
How Congress can end hunger now
How does your health affect your hair?
How Rochester responded to its lead poisoning problem
Inaugural Urban Wellness Summit promoted healthier neighborhoods
Indigenous Coalition celebrates first anniversary
Infographic: barbershops and salons help improve blood pressure
Initial results from the region’s COVID-19 symptom tracker show levels holding steady at 1%
Initiative asks what prevents residents from accessing vegetables and fruits
Innovation in action: Common Ground Health examines My Health Story 2022 Survey responses internally
Innovative blood pressure initiative expands to the Finger Lakes
Innovative clinical program improves high blood pressure
Kids marched in Rochester for the right to play in a safe neighborhood
Kids walk for the right to play in a safe neighborhood
Kids walk for the right to play in a safe neighborhood
Lead coalition celebrates 10th anniversary of ordinance
Lead paint may still lurk on the porch
Lead poisoned continues decade-long decrease
Leading with conscience for four decades
Local barbershops and salons offer blood pressure screenings
Local Safety Measures Kept Schools Open and Safe During COVID Crisis, Regional Task Force Reports
Locals with improved high blood pressure would fill a stadium
Making walking and biking the easy choice
Mobile Summer Meals pilot builds off spike in number of Summer Meals served in 2015
County-wide flu vaccine coalition launched
Dr. Nancy Bennett and Wade Norwood tapped to lead vaccine roll out
Monroe County Offers Residents a $100 Incentive for a Complete COVID-19 Vaccination Series
More Children Need to Get Vaccinated Against COVID-19
My Health Story 2022 makes survey accessibility a top priority
National Early Childhood Expert to Kick off Playful Learning Initiative for Rochester Youth
National expert on health disparities to speak May 6
National expert to explore innovations in senior care
Neighborhood intersection gets a “Complete Street Makeover” to improve safety and access for all
Neighborhood intersection gets an extreme makeover
Neighborhood traffic safety perceptions are linked with health outcomes
Neighborhood unveils "Story Walk" at library
Neighborhoods and health linked, shows data
Network offers medical practices a running start on new value-based payments
New award honors the memory of health coalition member Edgar Santa Cruz
New digital library offers a wealth of health data
New grant brings preventive screenings to Elmira
New health screening tool unveiled to help prevent further spread of COVID-19
New Indigenous Health Coalition aims to address health inequities
New insurance options may help get more immigrants insured
New PPE posters available for download
New procedures helped rural practice improve
New report: few local adults are eating enough fruits and vegetables
New report: Latino voices have gone unheard, harming health equity
New reports find "place matters" in understanding impact of racial health disparities
New spotlight outlines changes needed to allow region’s residents to age in place
New video features play campaign successes
New video sheds light on food access challenges
New website makes finding local health data easy
Newly vaccinated people to receive a $100 thank you gift card
No-cost COVID-19 Testing and Flu Shots Offered at Select Churches in October
Norwood tapped for Medicaid advisory group
Number of children reported lead poisoned grows from previous year
NY eHealth Collaborative honors Dr. Thomas Mahoney for health care innovation
NY's PHIPs build relationships and create value
Online ‘Hubs’ connect agencies fighting COVID-19
Online resource helps providers address staffing needs
Parents Urged to Get Children Under 5 Vaccinated Against COVID-19
Patient support leads to 'phenomenal' results
Pediatricians reinforce COVID-19 guidance for kids returning to sports and physical activity
Physicians, let us help you improve high blood pressure
Play champions urged City Council to put kids first by building a playable city
Playful Learning Summit taps the power of play to transform education
Poverty blocks access to health care in Rochester
Practice honored nationally for blood pressure control
Practice maintains impressive blood pressure control
Practices needed to pilot a pediatric risk prediction tool
Preliminary findings from most inclusive My Health Story survey yet
Program teaches patients how to ask their doctor questions
Racial and ethnic diversity in Greater Rochester
Racism drives illness and early death, study finds
RCSD bans withholding recess as a form of punishment
Recess is important: Let kids get their silliness out!
Redesigned 1115 Medicaid waiver is approved
Region selected for national health initiative
Regional leaders chart new directions for improving community health
Regional life expectancy fell by three years since 2013
Regional Task Force Forms to Support K-12 Reopening
Region’s residents say chronic conditions are their top health concerns
Region’s voice heard on health care regulations
Register today for the Hair and Health Symposium
Registration opens for Speak Life! 2023 Health Equity Conference
Research says black and Latino kids need asthma help
Residents in some Monroe County neighborhoods live up to nine years longer
ROC COVID participation doubles
Rochester chamber initiative is finalist in innovation award
Rochester Community Equity Champions Announced Today at Health Equity Conference
Rochester delegation to compete for National Civic League's All-America City Award
Region pioneers the use of electronic medical record for public health
Rochester hospitals honored for population health efforts
Rochester Kids and adults reclaimed their neighborhood for play
Rochester receives Playful City USA designation
Rochester Wins 2020 All-America City Award
Rochester’s inaugural food policy council announces selection of first members
Rural Poverty Simulation encourages empathy and scrutiny of services
Seven numbers to know about Medicaid in our region
Share your story to improve the region's health
Share your thoughts on NY’s new Medicaid Waiver proposal
Share your thoughts on state's prevention agenda
Southern Tier organizations join together to support a culture of health
Speak Life event honors two with awards
Speak Life! speakers to focus on the intersections of racism, health and the environment
Introducing the Speak Life! 2023 Health Equity Conference speakers and panelists
State, private funding will make Greenway more accessible
Study aims to encourage diversity in trail users
Study finds region’s No. 1 health concern is poverty
Succeed in the new world of value-based payments
Success of hypertension intervention garners national honor
Summer Meals program innovates to reach more kids due to coronavirus pandemic
Summit showcases ideas to educate residents about health in Rochester
Summit to advance active transportation
Symposium explores food scarcity amidst agricultural abundance
Symposium to Focus on the Connection Between Hair and Health
Take the Erie Canalway trail survey
The census is key to improving health
Task Force: Vaccine site in heart of city is a 'game changer'
The Finger Lakes region embraces primary care 2.0
This blood pressure project runs on faith
Two health providers earned FQHC designation
Updated county health profiles available in digital format
Urban Wellness Summit promotes healthy neighborhoods
Video: Evolving a culture of health
Video: 'It's easy to open up a conversation'
Videos showcase five wellness programs in Rochester
Wade Norwood to succeed Trilby de Jung as CEO of Common Ground Health
Wash, rinse, cut . . . and blood pressure check
Webinar: Has local hypertension control increased 15% or 45%?
“When you have kids, it's risky to buy new things”
Why Healthi Kids built a pop up park for adults
Women of color are invited to gather for health
Women of color are invited to gather for health
Workforce consortium recommends priorities for skills development
Workforce consortium to address policy barriers in coming year
Sign up for the Common Ground Health newsletter
Stephanie David, JD, MPH, IMH-E®
2024 Speak Life! Health Equity Conference
Speak Life! Health Equity Awards
Community Wellness Summit 2023
Community Health and Engagement
Community Health Educators Roster
Faith & Lifestyle Coordinators Roster
Older Adults and Long-Term Care
Regional Health Care Workforce Consortium