The Senior Adult Community Engagement Project is a group of senior adults of color from diverse educational, health and socioeconomic backgrounds. Many participated in a health research project conducted by the University of Rochester, Common Ground Health and other community partners to educate senior adults of color in the basics of health research. It provided them the skills to collect, evaluate, and utilize data; participate in clinical and community-based research; and become managers of their own health and healthcare.
The SACE Project elevates the senior adult voice, particularly those of Black and Brown seniors, to a place of value and inclusion in every area of community engagement that affects seniors, their families and their caregivers/providers.
SACE members have contributed to efforts including COVID education, SAGE II Commission efforts, senior mental health, general health literacy, food access, combatting social isolation and pushing for safe, adaptable and affordable housing for seniors.
Current Initiatives
Not Forgotten: To combat social isolation and loneliness among older adults, SACE Project is helping older adults in nursing homes know that they are not forgotten. Not Forgotten delivers bags including new items that seniors living on Medicaid allowances need and often do not have money to purchase.