Listen up! How your ears are connected to your body's overall health
October 11, 2023 - The Sage II Commission Report, recently released by Common Ground Health, highlights health-related inequities and reduced life expectancies for the area’s fast-growing population of older adults.
Academy of Health Sciences expands student capacity
Rochester Beacon
October 9, 2023 - Common Ground Health will take part in the Academy of Health Science's, College and Career week in November to guide students in career choices.
Rochester in Focus: October 8, 2023
News 10 NBC
October 8, 2023 - Julio Jordan, Vice Chair of Common Ground Health's Latino Health Coalition speaks of the biggest barriers of positive health outcomes in the local Hispanic community.
Common Ground Health report addresses coming challenges in elder care
Rochester Business Journal
October 2, 2023 - Wade Norwood, CEO of Common Ground Health said, “As we see a dramatic increase in the number of older adults in our community, we will continue to need forward-thinking corporate and entrepreneurial leaders to help think of new ways to ensure that every elder’s needs are met.”
Preserving stories of Black leaders
Rochester Beacon
September 27, 2023 - Melanie Funchess, CEO/principal at Ubuntu Village Works, and Director of Mental Health and Wellness at Common Ground Health will be a featured panelist at the book launch of “In This Moment” chapbook series at the Dryden Theatre.
Report highlights growing older adult needs
Finger Lakes Times
September 26, 2023 - Wade Norwood, CEO of Common Ground Health, said “Our data shows that we are losing our older adults unnecessarily early and we are being robbed of their wisdom and experience. This is simply because of access to resources.”
Report: Finger Lakes lacking in meeting seniors’ health needs
News 10 NBC
September 21, 2023 - A new report from Common Ground Health, says the Finger Lakes region isn’t equipped to meet the health needs of seniors.
Common Ground Health updates senior citizen Sage Plan
Rochester First
September 21, 2023 - Common Ground Health's, Sage ll report includes trends and challenges facing our elderly population.
Suicide prevention month puts focus on mental health services
Livingston County News
September 20, 2023 - According to a community health assessment compiled by Common Ground Health, suicide rates have been increasing in Livingston County since 2015.
Promoting health and unity: 'A Call to Women of Color' event highlights community resources
September 16, 2023 - Jackie Dozier, Director of Community Health and Well-being at Common Ground Health said, “So we want to make sure that we are all taking care of ourselves and trying to strive to be as healthy as we can be because when our women are healthy, our villages are healthier."
Women of color invited to gather to promote healthy living
Rochester Business Journal
September 15, 2023 - The Common Ground Health event, A Call to Women of Color, focuses on empowering women and girls of color to engage in conversation and promote healthy living among women,
Gillibrand pushes for nearly $180 million to address maternal health issues
September 9, 2023 - A new report from Common Ground Health titled, Unheard / Ignorado, said that Latino communities in Rochester are three times more likely to experience adverse health outcomes.