2020 Livingston County Health Profile
The health profile provides a summary of health data, including health behaviors, social determinants of health, life expectancy, mental health, causes of death and other population health insights.
2020 Ontario County Health Profile
The health profile provides a summary of health data, including health behaviors, social determinants of health, life expectancy, mental health, causes of death and other population health insights.
2020 Schuyler County Health Profile
The health profile provides a summary of health data, including health behaviors, social determinants of health, life expectancy, mental health, causes of death and other population health insights.
2020 Seneca County Health Profile
The health profile provides a summary of health data, including health behaviors, social determinants of health, life expectancy, mental health, causes of death and other population health insights.
2020 Steuben County Health Profile
The health profile provides a summary of health data, including health behaviors, social determinants of health, life expectancy, mental health, causes of death and other population health insights.
2020 Wayne County Health Profile
The health profile provides a summary of health data, including health behaviors, social determinants of health, life expectancy, mental health, causes of death and other population health insights.
2020 Yates County Health Profile
The health profile provides a summary of health data, including health behaviors, social determinants of health, life expectancy, mental health, causes of death and other population health insights.
Health Equity Chartbook 2018
This 185-page report is our most comprehensive examination to date of health disparities across the region. Through more than 200 graphs and maps, the Chart Book examines the interplay of race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status and geography.
Pain killers linked to opioid overdoses
This issue brief finds that half of opioid overdoses in the Finger Lakes were associated with legal prescriptions from 2014-2016. Overdoses and prior prescriptions is consistent across all communities.
Barriers to Health Care
Lack of health insurance is often deemed the #1 challenge that low income residents face in accessing medical treatment. However, this white paper found that poverty blocks access to health care, even for those with insurance.
Pediatric Asthma Control
This issue brief explores our region's favorable asthma control rates, while also calling attention to preventable asthma hospitalizations rates that are much higher for African American and Latino youths than for whites.
Monroe County Health Profile, 2017
The 18-page Monroe County Health Profile provides a summary of health data, including health behaviors, social determinants of health, life expectancy, disparity, causes of death and other population health measures.