The NY eHealth Collaborative honored Dr. Thomas Mahoney with a PATH Award at its gala Nov. 18 in New York City. The award, which stands for promoting advancement of technology in healthcare, honors achievements in health information technology (health IT).
“You hear a lot about change, and you hear a lot about rolling out change, and this guy has actually done it," said David Klein, NY eHealth Collaborative board chair. "Think about pioneers and trying to get the right thing done, this guy lives it every day.”
In accepting the award, Dr. Mahoney said that progress in health care today is "really is about creating teams, and visions and goals to accomplish something you all agree on. Medicine in general is beginning to realize that success in health care is not the result of individual accomplishments, but rather the creation of really functional teams with shared visions and mission that collaborate."
Dr. Mahoney has served as Chief Medical Officer for FLHSA since 2010, overseeing all aspects of clinical data and analytics for the regional health planning organization. He was instrumental in securing a $26.6 million communitywide grant from the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation for transforming primary care by integrating home and community based services.
He is in private practice in internal medicine in Henrietta and is an attending physician at Highland Hospital. Prior to joining FLHSA, Dr. Mahoney served as CEO of the Rochester Individual Practice Association and was a clinical assistant professor of medicine at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry.
Dr. Mahoney serves on a number of statewide and regional committees, including the New York State Department of Health’s State Health Innovation Plan-State Innovation Models (SHIP-SIM) Integrated Care Workgroup and the executive steering and clinical committees for the Finger Lakes Performing Provider System.
The New York eHealth Collaborative (NYeC) is a nonprofit that partners with the state Department of Health to improve healthcare for all New Yorkers through health IT. Dr. Mahoney has been a member of the New York eHealth Collaborative (NYeC) Policy Committee since 2014.
Founded in 2006 by healthcare leaders, NYeC works to develop policies and standards, to assist healthcare providers in making the shift to electronic health records, and to coordinate the creation of the Statewide Health Information Network of New York (SHIN-NY), a network to connect healthcare providers statewide.