Nine new county health profiles available online and in print provide a summary of health data, including health behaviors, social determinants of health, life expectancy, disparity, causes of death and other population health measures.
A child from Pittsford’s 14534 ZIP code born today will live up to nine years longer than a child from Rochester’s 14608 ZIP code, a new county-specific report from Finger Lakes Health Systems Agency (FLHSA) reveals.
ZIP code 14534 has an estimated life expectancy of 81.8 years at birth, as compared to 72.4 years for ZIP code 14608, according to the Monroe County Health Profile. Monroe and eight other county health profiles are available in print and online at
“Where you live can significantly affect your health, your health behaviors and eventually your health outcomes,” said Albert Blankley, director of research and analytics for FLHSA. “People may be close geographically, but their health outcomes often are worlds apart.”
Neighborhood factors such as high smoking rates, a lack of access to healthy food and exercise opportunities, and unhealthy housing can significantly reduce life expectancies.
"This important report highlights many significant health issues and disparities. Together with our many local partners, we will continue to work to improve the health of all residents of Monroe County," said Dr. Michael Mendoza, Monroe County Commissioner of Public Health.
The county’s 2016-18 health improvement plan focuses on many of the issues highlighted in the report, including reducing and preventing tobacco use, secondhand smoke, unplanned pregnancy and substance abuse, increasing access to chronic disease screening, prevention and management and screening for food insecurity and targeting health disparities based on race/ethnicity and socioeconomic status.
In other findings, the 18-page health profile notes that:
- Adult smoking rates are much higher in the City of Rochester (21.8 percent) compared to both Monroe County (14.5 percent) and Upstate New York (17.3 percent). Of the estimated 80,000 adults who smoke in Monroe County, about 34,000 are City of Rochester residents.
- About 65 percent of Monroe County residents have some form of college experience, compared to 59 percent of New York state residents. However, only 52 percent of City of Rochester residents have some form of college experience. The report notes, “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that adults aged 25 without a high school diploma can expect to die nine years sooner than college graduates.”
- Caucasians in Monroe County have a higher rate of premature death due to unintentional injury, including death from opiate overdoses. Premature death due to homicide ranks higher for African American and Latinos than for Caucasians.
Finger Lakes Health Systems Agency has tracked county data for decades, but this is the first year the agency has produced individual county profiles.
“The profiles are designed to be easy to read and understand, with maps, data graphs and icons that bring the information to life,” said Catie Kunecki, regional planner and analyst for FLHSA.
Kunecki noted that FLHSA will maintain updated county health data on its website and intends to publish updated versions of the report in the future.
Visit to view county profiles on all nine counties: Chemung, Livingston, Monroe, Ontario, Schuyler, Seneca, Steuben, Wayne and Yates.
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