April 2020 Common Ground Newsletter
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![]() ![]() April 2020![]() Local planners want to know whether you use the Erie Canalway trail, which is part of the 750-mile Empire State Trail network. If you don't use the trail, we also want to learn why. We want to improve the trail to make it welcoming and accessible for all residents, regardless of physical ability, gender, income, race or ethnicity. Share your experiences through our short online survey, so everyone can benefit from your insights. Findings will be included in Common Ground Health’s fourth Health Impact Assessment. Learn more and take the survey. Online 'hubs' connect organizations fighting COVID-19 Are you a human services provider? Where have you found success getting PPE? What are your greatest concerns with reopening to the public? Learn about concerns and solutions from other human services providers on two local hubs, the Human Services Support Hub for Monroe County and the Finger Lakes COVID-19 Resources Hub for counties outside of Monroe County. In a time of increased challenges for organizations, the hubs help agencies share resource and needs to speed problem solving, pass on state and federal updates and eliminate structural barriers to serving communities in our region. Learn how to join the conversation. ![]() A salute to our practice transformation team After eight years of supporting innovation in clinical care, our Practice Transformation team wrapped up its work at the end of March 2020. All told, the program coached more than 1,000 providers and brought in $32 million to help medical practices adopt new approaches to improving care. “The team provided critical support to primary care practices during a period of tremendous change in the health care,” said Dr. Thomas Mahoney, Common Ground Health’s chief medical officer. “Through their hard work, team-based care has become the norm at medical offices throughout our area and data is used to drive improvement. Partner spotlight:
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