March 2020 Common Ground Newsletter
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![]() ![]() March 2020![]() New York needs additional health care workers If you are a qualified health, mental health or public health care worker or related professional who is not currently working in the field, the state is looking to expand New York’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. To support the response effort, answer a survey about your qualifications, and then the state will work to resolve licensing issues necessary. So far, 62,000 professionals have volunteered and more are needed. Get details here. New open enrollment period set up To ensure people have access to medical care and/or testing for COVID-19, New York has set up a special health insurance open enrollment period through April 15. People can enroll on NY State of Health, its official health plan marketplace, or directly through insurers. Learn more here, or call 855-355-5777. COVID-19 testing is free for all eligible New Yorkers as ordered by a health care provider. COVID-19 resources available Healthi Kids: Resources for Families: COVID-19 Common Ground staff is working remotely![]() In response to COVID-19, Common Ground employees are working remotely. Because our physical office is closed, meetings will take place online. We look forward to staying in touch with you electronically and wish you, your families and your organizations the best in this time of social distancing. Event updates announced Due to measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the Speak Life! Health Equity Conference presented by the African American and Latino Health Coalitions will be canceled for 2020, but the coalitions plan to continue the event in 2021. Refunds will be made to registrants. Sponsors will have the option to maintain their sponsorship for the 2021 event or seek a refund. Email Olivia Linden for details. The March 27 lunch and learn webinar to celebrate the region’s improvement in high blood pressure was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Registrations for the postponed webinar will be honored and an email will be sent once a new date has been scheduled. Contact Thea Talcott with questions and concerns. ![]() Partner spotlight:
- February 2025
- January 2025
- December 2024
- November 2024
- October 2024
- September 2024
- August 2024
- July 2024
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