Health reports reveal wide health disparities
Life expectancies in the Greater Rochester, Finger Lakes and Southern Tier regions vary by up to 9 years depending on ZIP code, according to nine new county-specific health reports from Finger Lakes Health Systems Agency.
“Where you live can significantly affect your health, your health behaviors and eventually your health outcomes,” said Albert Blankley, director of research and analytics for FLHSA. “People may be close geographically, but their health outcomes often are worlds apart.”
Featuring easy-to-read maps and graphs, the 18-page reports are available in print and online.
Read more and download individual County Health Profiles here.
Workforce consortium to address policy barriers in coming year

As it enters its second year, a leadership group seeking to alleviate health care workforce shortages will address policy barriers in nursing, telemedicine and behavioral health that hamper the delivery of care.
The Regional Consortium on Health Care Workforce will also create a platform for collaboration.
“Our region’s health care and educational leaders have made tremendous progress identifying workforce challenges that cut across multiple sectors in health care,” said Anne Kress, president of Monroe Community College and chair of the workforce consortium. “The consortium will tackle these challenges through policy change, measurement and collaboration.”
Learn more.
Hundreds get tips to remember medications
More than 900 people in January were prompted to create a daily medication reminder thanks to an advertising campaign.
The My Reminder public health campaign is reaching out in January and February to Facebook users and radio listeners in Monroe, Ontario, Livingston and Wayne counties.
Paid for by FLHSA and the Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce’s High Blood Pressure Collaborative, the English and Spanish campaign also is targeting neighborhoods in the City of Rochester.
To receive My Reminder posters and other materials for your organization, call 585-224-3170.
Learn more about the campaign at
Partner spotlight:
Athena Award honorees
Congratulations to health care innovators Kathy Parrinello, Deborah Stamps and Mary Zelazny for being honored as Athena Awards finalists by the Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce, Women’s Council.
Parrinello, chief operating officer of Strong Memorial Hospital and executive vice president of University of Rochester Medical Center, is an FLHSA board member. Stamps is vice president of Quality, Safety and Innovation for Rochester Regional Health. Zelazny is CEO of Finger Lakes Community Health.
“These honorees’ creative thinking inspires us as they work to transform our community,” said FLHSA CEO Trilby de Jung.
Learn more.
Above: The 2017 group of Athena Award finalists featured above were honored Jan. 19. Nannette Nocon, a private wealth adviser, received the 31st annual award. (Photo courtesy of the Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce)